The Domestic IGF Activity Revitalization Team for IGF 2023 Study Session


In preparation for the Internet Governance Forum in Kyoto (IGF Kyoto 2023), the Domestic IGF Activity Revitalization Team was formed. The team has continued to meet since the event and will hold a study session on Monday, March 17, 2025. Professor Toshiaki Tateishi of the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI) will give a lecture on the topic regarding “Approaches to Building a Clean, Safe, and Secure Internet Environment in Dot Kyoto”. This study session will be the held for the second time following the team’s regularly held meetings regarding Internet governance. Those who are interested in the lecture topic can participate for free. The study session will be held in a hybrid format with a local venue in Tokyo and online via Zoom. Please see the session details below and apply if you would like to attend.

Professor Tateishi is the Vice President and Executive Director of the Japan Internet Providers Association, as well as the Representative Director of the Internet Content Safety Association. In his lecture, he will introduce the efforts being made to promote the construction of a cyber space for Kyoto and the further strengthening of the brand power of “Kyoto in the World” through the collaboration of industry, government and academia, with the aim of contributing to the enhancement of the value of the entire Kyoto Prefecture.

As the administrator of the “.kyoto” domain, KCGI has achieved a clean domain with high reliability and security, with the support of Kyoto Prefecture and the approval of ICANN, the international domain management organization. Additionally, in conjunction with IGF Kyoto 2023, a United Nations sponsored event where stakeholders discuss all issues related to the Internet, the first School on Internet Governance (SIG) secretariat in Japan was established on campus. Even after IGF Kyoto 2023, the event “SIG Japan” continues to be discussed from various perspectives with the Cyber Kyoto Laboratory (CKL) supporting the activity.

Session Overview

  • Date & Time:
    March 17, 2025 (Mon) 18:00-19:00
  • Lecture Topic:
    Approaches to Building a Clean, Safe, and Secure Internet Environment in Dot Kyoto
  • Lecturer:
    Professor at the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Mr. Toshiaki Tateishi
  • Venue (hybrid format):
    Online participation: Zoom
    Sakura Muromachi Building 9th Floor, 4-5-1 Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
    Center for International Economic Collaboration, Main Conference Room
  • Host:
    Domestic IGF Activity Revitalization Team for IGF 2023
  • Planning:
    Center for International Economic Collaboration (CFIEC)
  • Target Audience:
    Those interested in Internet governance
  • Additional Information:
    Participation is free. As this is a hybrid event, anyone interested can participate online or in-person.
  • How to Participate:
    Please register via the links below by 12:00 PM Monday,March 17, 2025.
  • Registration for Online Participation:
    A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the URL provided in the email to participate.
  • Registration for In-Person:
  • Capacity:
    Up to 100 people can participate online, and 30 people in person.
    (Please note that due to the limitations of the conferencing system, we may have to close the registration once we reach the maximum capacity.)
  • Contact:
    The Domestic IGF Activity Revitalization Team for IGF 2023 Office