Let’s try making and using “Sharing Site” today


The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI), Cyber Kyoto Laboratory and Coolware Corporation, both located at the Keihanna Open Innovation Center (KICK), will hold a seminar on the creation and utilization of sharing websites that can be used for vacation rental businesses. At the seminar, a method for creating a posting-type website using "SHARE info" will be introduced. During the seminar participants will have the opportunity to create their own websites. We look forward to your participation. ※ For more details on “SHARE info”, please refer the document “Background” below.

Seminar Details - Let’s try making and using “Sharing Site” today

  1. Seminar Title: Let’s try making and using “Sharing Site” today
  2. Date:
    November 8, 2017 (Wednesday), 19:00 - 20:30
  3. Location
    The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Kyoto Station Satellite
    Address: 10-5 Teranomaecho, Nishikujo, Minami-ku, Kyoto City
    Tel: 075-205-5004
  4. Instructor
    Sachiko Kishi, Coolware Corporation
  5. Content
    From creating to launching a "Sharing Site"
  6. Expected benefits
    • ○ Participants will create their own Sharing Site during the seminar.
    • ○ The Sharing Sites created can be operated and promoted directly on the “.kyoto” official site, Facebook, and Coolware Corporation's site.
    • ○ You can directly engage in in-person Q&A with the staff who are developing and operating “SHARE info” (normally support sessions are only available through the websitehttps://theshare.info/forum/).
  7. Target Audience
    • Those who want to create a posting-type sharing website for sharing physical items, knowledge, skills, etc.
    • Individuals without programming background but are interested in launching web services
    • Those who are familiar with basic computer tasks such as internet searches, email, and document creation.
  8. Organizers and Supporters
    Main organizers
    • Coolware Corporation
    • The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Cyber Kyoto Laboratory
    • Kyoto Prefecture
    • Kyoto Sangyo 21
    • Kyoto Information Industry Association
    • Kyoto Computer Gakuin
  9. Maximum Capacity
    40 participants (Participation is free)
  10. 10. Registration and Contact
    The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Cyber Kyoto Laboratory
    Email: info@ckl.kyoto


In 2012, when the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), the global internet governing organization, solicited applications for new top-level domains (known as new gTLDs), over 2,000 applications were submitted. Among them, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, with the support of Kyoto Prefecture, applied for the geographic name top-level domain ".kyoto," and received approval from ICANN for its management and operation.

The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics regards ".kyoto" as part of its community education initiative work and plans to provide ICT related information and knowledge to Kyoto residents. The management is carried out through a collaborative effort of academia, industry, and government in Kyoto, aiming to establish a high-quality brand domain with a strong reputation.

New gTLDs began sequentially from October 2013, and as of August 2017, there are over 1,200 new gTLDs with a total registration of 26,757,412 domain names. The total number of registered domains worldwide is expected to reach approximately 3 billion, combined with familiar domains such as “.com” and “.jp”.

In 2014, the number of smartphone users reached 75 billion. The range of ICT applications has now exploded into news and entertainment, in addition to the business sector. In this context, the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 will increase business opportunities for leveraging the Kyoto brand, further boosting demand.

Additionally, services that mediate the lending of idle assets (physical, locations, vehicles, and even intangible assets like skills) by individuals are called “Sharing Economy Services”. According to the 2015 Information and Communications White Paper by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the market for “Sharing Economy Services”, utilizing ICT is estimated to expand to approximately 335 billion dollars by 2025.

In Europe and the United States, sharing services that facilitate sharing surplus items with those in need such as Airbnb and Uber, have gained popularity, and similar services have already become available in Japan. Sharing services represent a groundbreaking economic approach facilitated by ICT, and is expected to continue growing domestically. However, the establishment of sharing services requires a significant initial cost, making it challenging for many.

Recognizing the need for sharing systems several years ago, Coolware Corporation, co-organizer of the seminar, released “SHARE info” service last year. “SHARE info” is a system that allows people to easily and affordably start their own sharing services based on their ideas.

For more details on SHARE info, please refer to "Creating a Matching Site Easily":