Message from the Director

Three years have passed since Cyber Kyoto Laboratory opened on May 1, 2015 at KICK (Keihanna Open Innovation Center). Also, the geographical name top level domain ".kyoto" celebrated its Third anniversary this year since its birth in cyberspace (i.e. registration to the DNS root zone) on January 28, 2015.
".kyoto" is managed and operated by its registry, The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. One key characteristic of this domain is that it is available primarily to Kyoto citizens. ".kyoto" embodies the "Kyoto identity" and its purpose is to bring Kyoto brand to the world and contribute to the promotion of the Kyoto region. Cyber Kyoto Laboratories shares this vision, and sets goals to revitalize local industries and develop human resources of the Kyoto region from our open laboratory at KICK.
Please stay connected and continue to take full advantage of Cyber Kyoto Laboratory and ".kyoto". Thank you very much.
Career history
- Bachelor of Engineering from Kyoto University
- Master of Engineering from Kyoto University
- Former Chief Researcher at NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories
- Advisory Professor of Korea Information Security Agency
Scholarly Publications
- Akira Shimazu, Shozo Naito, Hirosato Nomura: Japanese Language Semantic Analyzer Based on an Extended Case Frame Model. IJCAI, pp.717-720, 1983
- Shozo Naito, Akira Shimazu, Hirosato Nomura: Classification of Modality Function and Its Application to Japanese Language Analysis. ACL, pp.27-34, 1985
- Hirosato Nomura, Shozo Naito, Yasuhiro Katagiri, Akira Shimazu: Translation by Understanding: A Machine Translation System Lute. COLING, pp.621-626, 1986
- Shigeru Masuyama, Shozo Naito: Deciding Whether Graph G has Page Number One is in NC. Inf. Process. Lett. 44(1), pp.7-10, 1992
- Kimihiro Yamamoto, Shozo Naito, Masaki Itoh: Inductive Logic Programming Based on Genetic Algorithm. ASIAN, pp.254-268, 1995
- Tsuyoshi Takagi, Shozo Naito: The Multi-variable Modular Polynomial and Its Applications to Cryptography. ISAAC, pp.386-396, 1996
- Toyonori Fujiura, Shozo Naito, Satoshi Ono: A Traffic Measurement System Using Time Synchronization Mechanism. ICPP Workshops, pp.268-273, 1999
- Shozo Naito: Message from the IWI Workshop Co-Chairs. ICPP Workshops, pp.212-213, 1999
- Kimihiro Yamamoto, Shozo Naito: A Vertex Allocation Algorithm under Binary Tree Configuration. ICDCS Workshop on Internet, pp.A27-A32, 2000
- Kimihiro Yamamoto, Shozo Naito: A study on schema preservation by crossover. Systems and Computers in Japan 33(2), pp.64-76, 2002
- Tatsuya Mori, Ryoichi Kawahara, Shozo Naito: Analysis of Non-Gaussian Nature of Network Traffic and its Implication on Network Performance CoRR cs.NI/0209004, 2002
- Tatsuya Mori, Ryoichi Kawahara, Shozo Naito: Analysis of Non-Gaussian Nature of Network Traffic CoRR cs.NI/0201004, 2002
- Tatsuya Mori, Ryoichi Kawahara, Shozo Naito, Shigeki Goto: On the Characteristics of Internet Traffic Variability: Spikes and Elephants. SAINT, pp.99-106, 2004
- Shozo Naito, Internet's Elephants and Mice, NAIS Journal Vol.1, 2005
- Shigeru Aiba, Kazuya Fujita, Yasuyoshi Yamashita, Tomokazu Kamigaki, Makoto Miyamoto, Makoto Hirose, Hong Seung Ko, Shozo Naito, Takao Nakaguchi, Proposal of one method of Privacy Protection, NAIS Journal Vol.2, 2007
- Shozo Naito, First Cybathlon, NAIS Journal Vol.10, 2015
- Accumu